福建高考英语阅读模拟训练 高考英语阅读练习题及答案译文

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  Our children feel stressed out by an educational system that actually uses stress as an educational technique.It's a constant pressure of homework deadlines,essays and exams.And our children are told at a young age that failing a test means that they are failures in life.They'll end up nowhere if they don't pass this or that exam.Our educational system is based on a very Western idea that life is a struggle and you'd better measure up.It's survival of the fittest.While there is some truth to this,not as much as people think.

  Our ancestors didn't develop a constant stress environment.Back then,stress came quickly and was over quickly,it wasn't like the stress of modern education.Stress was originally just a short­term biological response to danger;however,the constant stress of modern education rarely stops.It's long term,at least ten years and usually more.

  Recent research has shown that the neurological(神经的)response to stress is the same response that is found in depression.So,what's the solution? A number have been proposed,including but not limited to the following.

  ________.Exercise consumes energy that would otherwise build up in the stress response and could cause physical and mental problems.

  Teach relaxation exercises.Allowing the mind and body to relax cuts off the stress response and reduces the neurological fatigue,enabling the individual to recover at least somewhat.


  Pay attention to thinking.Training the stressed student to pay attention to his or her own mind to a point where he or she is sufficiently aware to shut off the stress response when necessary.

  Of course,there's a logical answer to the problem.Just rearrange our teaching methods to encourage,rather than prevent,the natural curiosity and joy in learning that we are all born with.This would remove the stress and probably cut learning time in half.


  1.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Dealing with stress in modern education.

  B.Helping children live a happy life.

  C.Getting rid of the modern education.

  D.Taking measures to learn at school.

  解析 主旨大意题。这是一篇议论文,讲述了现行教育制度下,如何帮助孩子摆脱压力。故选A项。

  答案 A

  2.Children feel stressed because ______.

  A.they dislike the educational technique

  B.they have no ability to finish their homework

  C.they are convinced high grades are important

  D.they suffer numbers of failures in their life

  解析 细节理解题。依据文章第一段的our children are told at a young age that failing a test means that they are failures in life可知,孩子们很小的时候就被告知考试失败意味着他们生活中也会失败。故选C项。


  答案 C

  3.How did our ancestors treat education?

  A.They thought education was the only way to success.

  B.They felt education could bring short­term stress.

  C.They believed education could bring the best out.

  D.They knew the importance of good education.

  解析 推理判断题。依据文章第二段的Back then,stress came quickly and was over quickly可知,我们的祖先那时候,在教育方面压力来得快,也很快结束,是短期行为,故选B项。

  答案 B

  4.Which of the following is the best for the blank?

  A.Make sure that kids get exercise.

  B.Quite a few children avoid exercise.

  C.Try to save energy as much as possible.

  D.Set a few limits to your physical activities.

  解析 推理判断题。运动消耗能量,否则这些能量引起压力反应,可能会导致身体和心理问题。因此让孩子们参加运动,这样可以减压。故选A项。

  答案 A

  5.If you are a teacher in a high school ______.

  A.you should relax yourself as far as possible

  B.you should ignore the stressed student


  C.you should leave students in a good mood

  D.you should stick to your teaching methods

  解析 细节理解题。依据文章尾段可知,老师应该鼓励孩子们的好奇心,让孩子们在愉悦中学习。故选C项。

  答案 C





  Trees are useful to man in three very important ways:they provide him wood and other products;they give him shade;and they help to prevent drought(干旱)and floods.

  Unfortunately,in many parts of the world,man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important.In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees,he has cut them down in large numbers Two thousand years ago,a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships,with which to gain itself an empire It gained the empire but,without its trees,its soil became bare and poor.When the empire fell to pieces,the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

  Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees,it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this.They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees So,unless the government has a good system of control,or can educate the people,the forests slowly disappear

  This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees.The results are even more serious:for where


  there are trees,their roots break the soil up,allowing the rain to sink in, and also bind the soil.This prevents the soil from being washed away.But where there are no trees,the rainfalls on hard ground and flows away on the surface,and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow When a11 the topsoil is gone.nothing remains but worthless desert.


  41.Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways,the most important of which is that they can ____

  A. keep him from the hot sunshine

  B.enable him to build warships

  C.make him draw quick profit from them

  D .protect him from droughts and floods

  42.It’s a great pity that ____

  A.man is only interested in building empires

  B.man is eager to profit from trees

  C.man hasn‟t realized the importance of trees to him

  D. man hasn‟t found out that he has lost all trees

  43.Sooner or later the forests will disappear ______.

  A. unless a country has a plenty supply of trees

  B.unless people stop cutting down their trees

  C.unless aIl people are taught the importance of planting trees

  D.unless the government punishes those who cut trees instead of planting them

  44.The word“bind”in Paragraph 5 means“____”


  A.to wash away

  B.to make wet

  C.to make stay together

  D.to improve

  45. When there is a heavy rain.trees can help to prevent floods.as they can.

  A.keep rain from falling down to soft ground

  B,cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in

  C.prevent the soil from being washed away

  D .make the topsoil stick together






  两千年之前,有一个富裕和强大的国家。为了建立帝国,砍倒了树木来造战舰。帝国建立了,但是,没有树木的土地变得荒芜和贫瘠。当帝国四分五裂的时候,整个国家发觉自己面临的是水灾和饥荒。 就算在政府认识到足够的树木储备的重要性时,有时却很难让人民也意识到这点。人们砍倒了树木,却疏于种植和照料树苗。因此,除非政府建立一套体制来控制或者教育人们,否则森林就会渐渐消失。



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